Fortification of Milk and Milk Products and exciting health benefits- 2023

Fortification of milk and milk products

Hey folks, Did you know the fortification of Milk and milk Products and there health benefits, lets get dive into an interesting stuff related to our health. Introduction- Fortification of Milk and Milk Products What is fortification? Fortification or enrichment is the process of adding micro nutrients (essential trace elements and vitamins) to food. It can be purely a commercial choice …

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The Battle between Production and Quality 2023

Production and Quality

The Battle between Production and Quality: How to Strike the Right Balance In the industry, there is a constant battle between production and quality. Production teams prioritize speed and efficiency, while quality teams prioritize food safety and consistency. While both sides have valid concerns, the conflict between them can be detrimental to businesses. The Production …

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Healthy Benefits of whey- 2023

Benefits of whey

Did you that whey have many healthy benefits..?? here are some listed benefits of whey. Introduction Whey is the liquid fraction remaining after the manufacture of cheese, chhana, paneer and casein. World whey output is majorly contributed by cheese whey to about 95%. In India, the major source of whey is from the production of …

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9 Easy tips to increase the yield of paneer (Indian cottage cheese).

9 Easy tips to increase the yield of paneer (Indian cottage cheese)

9 easy tips to increase the yield of paneer- To increase the yield of paneer (Indian cottage cheese) during the processing, you can employ several methods and techniques. Here are some 9 easy tips to increase the yield of paneer These methods focus on improving the coagulation of milk and maximizing the extraction of curds, …

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Cheese and fruit protein box Starbucks 2023- The delicious guide

Cheese-and-Fruit-protein-box-Starbucks 2023

“Cheese and fruit Protein Box Starbucks“ Heyy all, Cheese and fruit Protein Boxes of Starbucks are loved by all. Now a days everyone is quite busy on daily routine and no on have enough time to prepare healthy meal box for themselves, but there are few market players who overcome this problems of their customers. …

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How to make Ice-cream at Home easily.!! Useful Tips for 2023

How to make Ice-cream at home

Hey friends, What comes to your mind when you hear Ice-cream. Every one from grandpa to small kids loves it. But most of us are relies on factory made ice creams we are very much depend on markets brands but did you know that most of the brands uses vegetable oils a their ingredients in …

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Interesting Article on DFA- Dairy Farmers of America (USA) 2023

Introduction The DFA Dairy Farmers of America inc is a co-operative dairy organization and represents over 13,000 dairy farmers families across the United States. DFA was Founded in 1998, and now largest dairy cooperative in the US and plays a vital role in supporting the dairy industry. The dairy industry has a significant impact on …

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