Did you that whey have many healthy benefits..?? here are some listed benefits of whey.
Whey is the liquid fraction remaining after the manufacture of cheese, chhana, paneer and casein. World whey output is majorly contributed by cheese whey to about 95%.
In India, the major source of whey is from the production of chhana and paneer. A rule of thumb is that the amount of milk used for the production of cheese equals almost the amount of whey recovered.
Whey still contains about 50% of the nutrients present in the milk, comprising milk sugar (lactose), serum proteins, some minerals, a small amount of fat and most of water soluble minor nutrients from milk such as vitamins.
Whey and whey products are used by the food industry in wide variety of applications because of their excellent nutritional and functional properties.
The composition of whey and whey by-products varies considerably, depending on milk source and the manufacturing processes involved.
Whey is a good fermentation medium for a number of fermented products. In many applications, lactose in whole or de-proteinised whey is hydrolysed to glucose and galactose.
Benefits of whey
Nutritional characteristics of whey:
In general, whey is rich in lactose, proteins, minerals and vitamins. Lactose is a source of energy with high calorific value. Numerous studies have demonstrated that lactose increases calcium absorption and retention. It may also improve the absorption of magnesium and zinc.
Lactose extended life expectancy and reduced the accumulation of body fat.
The proteins in whey are complete and of exceptional quality. They contain, in varying amounts and in the right proportion, all the amino acids required by humans, among which sulphur amino acids are particularly valuable owing to their anticancer activities. They are also readily digestible and completely bio-available.
Whey proteins are among the most valuable component of whey. Whey proteins, though present in small quantities, have high protein efficiency ratio (3.6), biological value (104) and net protein utilisation (95).
Whey is also a rich source of Calcium (Ca), Phosphorous (P) and water soluble vitamins. As the pH of milk decreases, more of the salts dissociate. This results in higher concentrations of soluble calcium, magnesium, zinc and phosphorous in acid whey. The concentration of calcium and other minerals may be altered during whey processing.
The ratio of Ca:P is about 0.8 in whey ; this is a high Ca:P ratio compared with other food products. Whey minerals are involved in the regulation of the water flow by osmosis between different regions of the body.
Further, the composition of whey salts reveals a low ratio of sodium/potassium, which is important for preventing elevated blood pressures (hypertension). It also contains copper, zinc and iron as minor constituents. Zinc performs many functions, like the stimulation of the insulin activity
for the absorption of glucose from blood. Iron is part of several metallo-proteins such as haemoglobin, lactoferrin, lactoperoxidase, catalase and supports several important functions as a carrier of oxygen.
Glyco-macro peptide derived from k-casein induces production of cholecystokinin, a hormone associated with satiety. It also inhibits the adhesion of oral actinomycetes and streptococci to erythrocytes, and binding of cholera toxins to its receptor. It is free from aromatic amino acids, and therefore a suitable protein substitute for those suffering from hereditary disorder of aromatic amino acid metabolism, such as phenylketonuria .
Other benefits of whey protein:
They provide a number of benefits in areas including sports nutrition, weight management, immune support, bone health, and general wellness.
1.Whey proteins also have the highest levels of BCAAs (Branched Chain Amino Acids), which results in building and retaining muscle tissue
2. Boost immune system functioning and also helpful in blood sugar control.
3. They have potential positive impact in other areas including appetite suppression, cholesterol reduction, and the inhibition of dental plaque and dental caries.
4. It enhances the production of glutathione, one of the body’s most powerful natural antioxidants. Therefore, whey proteins aid in improving the body’s immune system, by acting as an antioxidant.
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